Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Charmed Quark Systems, Home

Charmed Quark Systems, Home

What Is It?

Our product (CQC, the Charmed Quark Controller) is a software-based, control/automation and, media management system. That's a string of automation-speak, but it's actually conceptually a fairly simple product with a straightforward goal. In most homes there are various systems, such as lighting, multi-zone audio, HVAC, home theater, security, pool controller, sprinklers, and so forth. All of these systems are potentially controllable in and of themselves. But they almost never are able to talk to each other. Therefore, they are 'islands of control', that can be controlled separately, but not coordinated and treated as a single system. CQC is a sort of 'super system', which sits above all these other systems, and acts as the glue to bring them together into a single organism that can act as a whole.

JP1 Remotes :: File Section

JP1 Remotes :: File Section
Forum Index -> File Section -> JP1 File Section -> Slingbox -> Slingbox Binary Files
